Low levels of Carbon Dioxide CO2 in the atmosphere presents a risk

Low levels of Carbon Dioxide CO2 in the atmosphere

Low levels of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere presents a risk, because we are not far away from the lower limit of CO2 content in the atmosphere. But this fact does not seem to have reached those responsible for the green transition.

When U.S. congressman Doug LaMalfa (R-CA) back in April 2023 questioned some witnesses at a House Transportation Committee about the current level of CO2 in the atmosphere, they did not know what to say. Their answers tragically reveal what people responsible for green transition know about what they are actually working with.

Three of them said 5% and one said 8% but it was far over the real number of the current CO2 level in the atmosphere which is at 0,043% (430 ppm) This is the green transition in a nutshell which is not based on real knowledge but guesswork. This is what your tax dollars go to.

Plants begins to die at 200 ppm (0,02% CO2 in atmosphere)

As congressman Doug LaMalfa (R-CA) told, that plants begins to die at the level of 0,02% (200 ppm) CO2 in the atmosphere, was almost shocking for me. Because considering the current CO2 level in the atmosphere is around 0.043%, we are not far from the 0.02%. This means that we are only 0.023% from being extinct.

CO2 is a key reactant in the process of photosynthesis in plants. The photosynthesis is a process where CO2 (carbon dioxide) reacts with water to produce the very important element Oxygen. The colorless gas Oxygen is the element in the lower atmosphere that we breathe in to survive. Without oxygen we will die immediately and without both crops and oxygen our total annihilation would be complete.

Greenhouse plant life begins to die at 150 ppm (0,015% CO2 content)

So I felt prompted to investigate the actual lower limit of CO2 content where plant life begins to die. According to an article from gov.mb.ca in relation to greenhouse CO2 supplement, they conclude plant life begins to respire and stop photosynthesis at 150 ppm (0,015%). At 100 ppm the photosynthesis is stopped completely but this is inside a greenhouse in a controlled environment.

When plants start to die in an open environment is a little more difficult to determine. There are other factors that come into play outdoors as opposed to a greenhouse. Among other things, the wind must have a big influence in controlling how much CO2 is moved around in the atmosphere.

But one thing is sure, the 0,02% (200 ppm) CO2 level in the atmosphere must be the lowest we can go before we go into alert.

Ice core data shows dangerous low levels of CO2

For millennia the CO2 levels have been under the 300 ppm (0,03%) and in periods actually dangerous low around the 180 ppm (0,018%). Only from the 19th century the CO2 levels have been increasing until now and still increasing. That means that we are not doomed for annihilation for now.

CO2 level reconstruction from ice core data

The above graph was taken from climate.nasa.gov and is produced by NOAA. It shows the CO2 levels from 800.000 years ago and up to present day. It is based on ice core data from ice sheets and glaciers.

We should actually congratulate the current CO2 increase as something good and not bad. According to the before mentioned article, plants photosynthetic rate would be at maximum at 1000 ppm to 1200 ppm (0,1% / 0,12%) levels of Carbon Dioxide.

There is no climate crisis

So we actually have a lot of room to play around with in regard to the emission of CO2. There is no climate crisis. Instead of focusing all our energy on CO2 and ineffective costly climate technology solutions such as electric cars, solar panels and wind turbines, we should rather think a little about the environment and the toxins that end up there thanks to pesticides, plastics etc.

With the new solar and wind farms that are popping up all over the country, we are actually creating a climate crisis in our mad race to save the climate. Cutting down large areas with old trees and forest to give place for solar and wind farms is like shooting your self in the foot.

By cutting down all these large areas of trees, we bring the climate out of balance and risk creating a real climate crisis. People really need to wake and stop this climate madness that only brings destruction.


Greenhouse CO2 Supplement: link
NASA Climate: climate.nasa.gov
Graph image credit: NOAA
Daily CO2: link
Doug LaMalfa: link

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