    Tuesday, October 22, 2024

    US Customs and Border Protection surveillance videos of the UAP (FOIA request)

    Based on a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request, the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has on September 8, 2023 released 12 videos of 7 different cases with the UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) filmed by surveillance cameras and border officers along the US border.

    Besides the videos now available for download, the FOIA request also contain a 389 pages large PDF document titled The Pentagon´s UAP Task Force with a lot of information surrounding the UFO phenomenon and how the US government reacts to it. But there is nothing new under the Sun here, the most has been out in the open for some time now. Are you searching for something new in relation to UFO disclosure, you have gone in vain with this release.

    The email correspondences

    In addition a large section of this document brushes off some of the associated email correspondences between a border patrol agent and different government branches primarily in relation to the “Rubber Duck” UAP surveillance video. The first email that can be found on page 59 dates back to August 5, 2021 and they continue up through 2022 ending on page 247. When reviewing these emails, I was able to determine that they are only about one case, namely the Rubber Duck video series (UAP 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2), which is mentioned again and again throughout the correspondence. Information about the other UAP videos below cannot be found in the large PDF document. But all the videos have been on Youtube for some time now and you can be lucky to find more information there than you can find in the release here.

    Videos pertaining to UAP

    There are 12 videos pertaining to UAP which covers 7 UFO cases. The most of them contain no sensational images and it’s the usual grainy quality that we also know from the Pentagon videos. Unlike the Pentagon, CBP has masked recording details in nearly all their videos that could provide information about what their equipment is capable of recording.

    The 12 UAP videos below has been converted from an original HD format to a less data-intensive format. The US Customs and Border Protection camera operators seems to record in infrared (IR) mode, which is mostly used for observations at night. IR works by converting heat signals emitted naturally by any object above absolute zero temperature into an electronic signal used to generate images.

    UAP 1 (identifiable motor paraglider)

    The first video file do not show the UAP but an identifiable motor paraglider that drops something to the ground. Although it looks strange at first, the wings are clearly visible at the end of the recording. In practical terms, it is good to have an example of a terrestrial vessel and how it looks on video based on this poor quality.

    • Download video zip file here: Link

    UAP 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2 (the “Rubber Duck” UAP surveillance videos)

    The UAP 2.1 video file does not show the unidentified aerial phenomenon. The camera operator just looks around the landscape without spotting anything strange.

    • Download video zip file here: Link

    In the UAP 2.2 video recording the camera operator continues to observe the landscape but at 5:47 in the video something strange comes into the frame. This footage is also known as the “Rubber Duck” UFO video.

    • Download video zip file here: Link

    UAP 3.1 – The “Rubber Duck” video continued…

    • Download video zip file here: Link

    UAP 3.2 – The “Rubber Duck” video continued…

    • Download video zip file here: Link

    UAP 4, 7 (A-10 Warthog)

    The UAP 4 and 7 shows an A-10 Warthog military aircraft probably from the nearby Davis Monthan AFB in Tuscon being followed by an unknown object. Unfortunately, I could not find any information in the large PDF document about this incident.

    • Download video zip file here: Link

    • Download video zip file here: Link

    UAP 5

    The UAP 5 is a short video in *.wmv format and low quality showing a white fuzzy dot flying – not the most startling UFO video out there.

    • Download video zip file here: Link

    UAP 6

    The UAP 6 video is also a fuzzy white dot on the screen, nothing to see here…

    • Download video zip file here: Link

    UAP 8

    The UAP 8 video is also a fuzzy object seen flying above the landscape.

    • Download video zip file here: Link

    UAP 9

    The UAP 9 video is interesting. You have an object that fly across a runway, above residential area, a busy road and ends up out on the coastline. It is able to make itself invisible several times. Above the water it seems to split into two objects and shortly after that it disappears in the water at 90 mph. without a visible splash.

    • Download video zip file here: Link

    UAP 10

    UAP 10 video shows an object flying around near a freight terminal.

    • Download video zip file here: Link

    Disclosure happens by technological progress

    The disclosure we wish to happen depends on the technological progress (and the global level of awareness). The better sensor equipment we have the better results and better understanding we get. But no one really knows who they are and no one can explain why they are here on earth?

    Well, we have got some clues as to why they are here, among other things their interest in military and nuclear installations screams to the sky. And if it is all about our possession of nuclear weapons, it has long prospects for the human race to experience real disclosure. We are simply not there yet and I think they´re trying to tell us exactly that.


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